Saturday, October 27, 2007

Lettering on Fabric


Uta said...

Nice to see you posting on your blog again. I really love the sea shell series. How do you get the text on the fabric? Is it a special ink?

Rita said...


Great work!! Your work is always lovely. Are you lettering with a brush and acrylic on the fabric?


Marjorie said...

I'm glad you liked my fabric picture. We actually used lettering pens and different types of acrylic paints, FW inks, Pearescent inks, and others she had in class.

Laura said...

Marge they are beautiful! I know I just seen them but that was quick not to see them all together. Your something girl!

april said...

Beautiful, Marge. And I love the shells too.

J (uk) said...

Hello Marjorie, just wanted to say this is such a beautiful piece- everything comes together, the beautiful lettering, the words, the images and the shells. Reminds me of times of great happiness with my family, as we beachcombed.
best wishes from Julie (UK)new member of the AW group

Marjorie said...

Thank you Julie. This piece came together in a class and since then I collected lots more of the tiny shells WITH holes in them to do on the new series (on paper) which are the ones in the other pictures.