Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Finished Commission Piece

I'm happy with the colors I chose for this piece. The color choices held me up in the beginning as I don't usually work with bright primary colors so I ended up lightening them. The outlining was a little challenging but overall I think it turned out well. that Now that I have the colors left I'd like to do another quote with similar vines but we'll see...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Keep steadfast in faith

Just found this quote but I'm not sure if my Mom gave it to me or where I got it.

"Botanists say that trees need the powerful March winds to flex their trunks and main branches, so that the sap is drawn up to nourish the budding leaves.
A blustery period in our fortunes is often the prelude to a new spring of life and health, success and happiness, when we keep steadfast in faith and look to the good in spite of appearances."
Quote from Jan Truax.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011